The Green Ribbon Gala
Green Ribbon Gala
Chicago Gateway Green
Bevy Chicago (215 W. Ontario St.)
December 6, 2012
“Green Ribbon Gala” made quite a splash in Chicago Thursday night. Benefitting Chicago Gateway Green, the event kept an intimate, friendly & wildly trendy atmosphere. “Green” may have been the color of the night, but there wasn’t an ounce of “envy” in the room, as attendees showed their full-hearted support for Gateway Green, as well as the evening’s featured “green” fashions.
Illuminated shades of neon green lit the nightclub, as designs from Stix and Roses, Silk Utopia, Victoria Larkin & The Green Goddess Boutique hit the runway, intriguing guests as they sipped cocktails from liquor sponsor PAMA. With the sounds of DJ Kamil, the models took to the catwalk (in VA Cosmetics) with razor-sharp “sass” & confidence, thanks in part to the stellar show direction of Marco Foster.
The “Gala” was hosted by the stunning Ms. Illinois-United States 2012 Amber Autumn, with special guests Jen Weigel of the Chicago Tribune & 24/7’s very own Jeff Conway. J. Noel Public Relations deserves a big round of applause for finessing this event from the ground up…
After the fashion show concluded, 24/7 spoke with Heather Korpella, Executive Director of Chicago Gateway Green. When asked about the mission of Gateway Green, Heather replied, “We need people to know Chicago Gateway Green is out there, greening and beautifying Chicago for the past 26 years. We plant trees and we beautify the expressways, to and from Chicago.” When asked to sum up the event in her own words, she continued by saying, “The fashion show was fantastic. It’s all about green in Chicago. Green designers, it’s been absolutely wonderful. They did a great job putting on the event.”
Couldn’t have said it better myself…a fabulous event for a truly worthy cause.
Jeff Conway – 24/7 Contributor
Photo #2 Credits: Janiece Noel, Amber Autumn & Jeff Conway
Photo #3 Credits: Sararose Krenger & Jeff Conway
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